To differntiate the guide from a typical G-FAN issue, I think a photo cover would be the way to go (since G-FAN normally has artwork covers).
Here's one I came up with this morning. The photo is of the Godzilla statue in Hibiya, Tokyo that I took two years ago. I sent it to J. D. a little while ago, but I would appreciate your feedback (after all, three heads are better than one, or so says King Ghidorah).

UPDATE: A good friend of mine, Archie Waugh, who is a 20-year graphic designer, came up with this gem:

This certainly blows mine clear out of the water. I forwarded it to J. D. to get his opinion. Thanks a million, Archie!
UPDATE: Archie came up with a slightly different version:

Although I like the first one a little more, the second would be necessary to fit in the Daikaiju Enterprises logo at the upper left corner as shown.
I think the idea of a photo of that statue is a natural. It makes perfect sense--it is an emblem of what the book is all about.
The lettering actually looks quite like a G-FAN cover. (Of course, the G-FAN logo does, but the font of the other words does too.) I suppose it is up to you to decide if (or how much)that matters. Again, I can understand if you want to make the tie-in with the zine explicit--makes sense.
At the risk of being redundant, the statue photo is spot-on...since you asked...:)
Thanks, Mark. I've been corresponding with a graphic artist and he made the following suggestions:
"Well, as a professional graphic artist for 20 years, I can suggest: drop-shadows for the text, and don't use purple text next to the red G-Fan. If you can e-mail me the pieces and the font file used at the bottom and the G-Fan logo, I could take a shot at it for you, it would be a pleasure to contribute.
I would also suggest using a picture from slightly further back, where you can see a bit of the statue's base, if you have one."
Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of the statue with the base that's suitable for this.
You should recognize the font on the lower half. It is the Godzilla font used in G-FAN.
The overall concept for the cover is prety nice... no... AWESOME! Especialy the detail of the G-Statue. And for a book released through G-FAN like "Age of the Gods" and "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Godzilla". But I would need to see it in alittle more to be confortable with a critique. But it looks good. Better than what I can do.
Could I maybe submit an idea, Armand?
- Jared
Sure, Jared. Nothing's set in concret yet, we're just experimenting with it right now. - A.
Sounds good to me! - A.
The third one is the best. It just looks awesome - in comparison to the other two and just overall.
Armand,the Godzilla photo lover in me likes the first one a little better that the others. But, the salesman and retail merchandiser in me says the the second version. The balance of the cover items is very good and the red lettering is best for getting the customer's eyes to gravitate toward the cover. Can't wait until it's on sale!!!!
Another vote for the third cover.
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