This day is really turning out to be a very pleasant one! First, Archie Waugh came up with a fantastic cover idea for the G-FAN Guide To Kaiju Japan. Next, I just received word from my good friend, author Jessica Lynne Gardner, that she appeared today on Karlos Borloff's Monster Madhouse show in Fairfax.
I had told Jessica about Karlos Borloff's show last year after meeting him at G-FEST XV.
Jessica appeared on the show and read excerpts from her stories and Karlos worked it into the scheme of the show. "I had a lot of fun!" she says.
Who's Karlos Borloff? This is him (left) with Haruo Nakajima at G-FEST XV:
Jessica's website is www.JessicaLynneGardner.com
Karlos Borloff's Monster Madhouse website: www.monstermadhouse.com
You're missing the picture of Karlos.
That's because I was adding him when you wrote. :op
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