He saw my photos of Kenji Sahara and decided to do some further modifications to one of them:

Maybe I should title it, "This Sounds Like A Job For Toho's Lawyers!" I think Sahara would be holding up an Asahi or Sapporo beer bottle instead.
Damon is one interesting fellow. He used to reside in the San Francisco Bay Area and is now in the Phoenix, Arizona area. He's also a filmmaker and we've had some hilarious times in his G-FEST suite dubbing over some old Asian cartoons. He's also the editor and publisher of Oriental Cinema, when he's in the mood to put one out.
Here's Damon with one of his pets:

When I first met Damon years ago, he reminded me of an old villain from the days of the run of the Legion of Super-Heroes in DC's Adventure Comics of the 1960s. Those comics featured the early writings of Jim Shooter and the magnificent artwork of Curt Swan (pencils) and George Klein (inks). The villain was Universo:

Damon has several videos posted at YouTube, just type in Damon Foster in their search feature and it'll take you to them.
1 comment:
Nice to see some of Mr. Oriental Cinema's work.
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