September came and went in a flash. One day, it was Labor Day and the next the month was over.
For one thing, I'm not going to miss it. Financially-speaking, it was a dreary month. I had to shell out a portion of my meager cash to pay the deductible for the repairs to the 2000 Mustang. That left me with very little cash to play with.
Also, the claims job I have had a very slow month. I only received one assignment for the month. The boss sent me my check yesterday with profuse apologies. Thank God that I have the field supervisor job to keep me going. I sold a gun for more cash (it was a Ruger P-89 9mm that I inherited from my dad that I didn't need as I already have one).
Tomorrow, I am taking in the 1989 Mustang to the body shop for its repairs, and, of course, another deductible to pay. At the end of August, some jack-ball backed into it in a parking lot and left without leaving a note. May a crazed holy man set fire to their nose hairs!
Thank goodness I got some overtime this past week and that'll be a big help. So, I'll be in a little better financial shape than in September.
Let's hope October will be better. At least there's Japan Expo and Halloween to look forward to.
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