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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Visit At Billy The Kid's Grave

Above, Billy the Kid's Grave. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a drive of about 290 miles, I arrived in Fort Sumner, New Mexico.

Fort Sumner is famous for the location of Billy the Kid's grave. He is buried with two others. The gravesite has a steel cage around it. I guess it is to keep them from leaving and voting Democrat. 

The graves are covered with coins from other visitors. 

Even though I planned on making this trip this week for some time, oddly enough, I got a call last Sunday from an ex-Noble Grand Humbug from the Lost Dutchman Chapter of E Clampus Vitus asking about getting information on Billy the Kid for a possible plaque in 2026. After the told me what the call was about, my reply was, "Funny that you called. I am heading to Billy's grave in Fort Sumner this coming week..."

To help accomplish that, I stopped at the Fort Sumner Chamber of Commerce to make arrangements to meet with the Chamber president tomorrow. Their office is at the cemetery where Billy the Kid is buried.

It was a good thing I went there today. It looked like rain may be coming (it did, it sprinkled as I am writing this).

Some photos:

Above, the grave of Joe Grant. He was shot and killed by Billy the Kid. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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