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Thursday, June 6, 2024

At Least The Day Wasn't Dull

Above, relaxing while charging the Jeep battery.

Yesterday was repair day or trouble manifestation day.

For the trouble manifestation day, the Jeep wouldn't start. It had plenty of power and cranked fine at first, but wouldn't kick over. I suspect it is the fuel pump. But the starting attempts ran the battery down a bit, so I hooked it up to the charger.

Next, the swamp cooler was started the first time this season, it ran fine for about 20 minutes, but stopped. Friend Nandoh checked it and one of the water squirter gizmos came off and water started shooting onto the motor, essentially killing it. So, it's off to Home Depot to get another motor. 

A few days ago, I had some electrical problems in the kitchen. I had an electrician come in and check the circuits and we found that one outlet in the master bedroom was fried, thereby knocking out one circuit. That was repaired and all is good on that.

We thought the circuit involving the kitchen was okay, but another outage in the circuit happened for about five minutes last evening. It would be pointless to have him come back if the circuit is back on. I'll have to wait until it stays out before calling him back. 

It is just as well that these happened this month as my bills were lower than usual. This freed up cash so I can deal with these problems. Ah, the joys of home ownship! 

At least the day wasn't dull.

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