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Friday, June 7, 2024

Printed RV Magazines Dead or Dying

Above, the now-defunct Motorhome magazine.

According to an editorial/opinion piece in RV Travel, printed RV magazines are dead or dying.

At various times, I subscribed to either Trailer Life or Motorhome magazines. Then, a couple of years ago, Marcus Lemonis ended both magazines and consolidated them into one magazine called RV.

I tried out RV for a year and found it rather boring with too many ads and uninteresting articles. So, when my subscription ended, I did not renew.

According to RV Travel:

Remember the days when printed magazines filled your mailbox? Those thick, colorful publications arrived daily—some wanted, some not. Have you noticed recently most printed magazines have gone away, one by one, and the survivors have become pretty skinny. Trailer Life Magazine, Motor Home Magazine and RV Lifestyle Magazine are gone. Family RVing Magazine from FMCA went from monthly to bi-monthly recently due to declining membership and advertising revenue. And a dozen popular regional magazines long ago published their last issues.

As a frequent writer for Tiffin Motorhomes’ magazine Roughing It Smoothly, I understand firsthand why it has now gone digital-only and will soon give way to other shorter targeted messaging. It’s not that the publishers lost interest, it’s because things changed.

To read more, go here.

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