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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Run By Idiots

Earlier this morning, I posted the following photo of vintage/antique Winchester rifles at the Facebook page, Winchester Pre-64 Rifle & Shotgun Collectors Group (1964):

These rifles are on display at the Billy the Kid Museum in Fort Sumner, New Mexico and the post was labeled as such.

The post received a lot of likes by the members. I had posted another photo of other Winchesters the day before and, as of now, it has generated no problems.

I received notice that the post was removed and I was put on a limited restriction until tomorrow morning. 

Naturally, I appealed this and they refused to restore the post.

No buying, selling or exchange of the rifles shown were taking place or even an hint of such. They must have morons working at Facebook's headquarters.

I then filed an appeal with the "independent" Oversight Board:

I doubt that anything good will come of this, but we must fight back on ridiculous Facebook decisions. 

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