Here's the best ones:

"Godzilla is one of the world's most powerful pop culture icons, and we at Legendary are thrilled to be able to create a modern epic based on this long-loved Toho franchise," said Thomas Tull, chairman and CEO of Legendary. "Our plans are to produce the Godzilla that we, as fans, would want to see. We intend to do justice to those essential elements that have allowed this character to remain as pop-culturally relevant for as long as it has."
1. Keep true to the spirit of Godzilla. Even as a super-hero or as a nuclear terror, Godzilla has always been the product of mankind's unleashing of nuclear power. In other words, let Godzilla be Godzilla.
2. Make sure Godzilla looks like Godzilla. While it may be a good thing to change the appearance of a character, it is folly to mess with an iconic image. The TriStar design wasn't bad, it just wasn't Godzilla. The planned Nicholas Cage Superman never got past the drawing boards as the costume that was contemplated looked nothing like Superman's. Neither did the proposed actor, no matter how good a toupee they give him. The fans rebelled and the plans were shelved.
3. Godzilla must act like Godzilla. The TriStar version strayed from this and paid a price in bad word-of-mouth. They portrayed him as a monster who flees the military, can be too easily killed and an egg-layer. Godzilla always advances, never retreats.
4. Cut the camp! The campiness of Sony/TriStar's Godzilla made a bad movie even worse. It is fine to have some occasional situational humor, but the extremes that the Sony/TriStar's movie took drove the stake into the heart of the picture.
"Godzilla" is coming back -- this time, with Legendary Pictures taking the lead, co-producing and co-financing with Warner Bros. for release in 2012.
Legendary announced Monday it had obtained rights to the iconic monster character from Japan's Toho Co., which has overseen more than 25 "Godzilla" films. Toho will release the pic in Japan.
Legendary said it's planning to announce a director shortly.
In addition to Legendary, producers on the new film will be Dan Lin, Roy Lee and Brian Rogers. Yoshimitsu Banno, Kenji Okuhira and Doug Davison will exec produce.
Speculation about a new "Godzilla" has been active since last summer. The Bloody Disgusting web site reported in August that the project was in development.
1 USD = 92.6710 JPY / 1 JPY = 0.0107909 USD
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) defended the ObamaCare bill on WJR’s Paul W. Smith show yesterday when the host wondered why Democrats wait until 2014 to stop people from dying through lack of universal health care coverage. Dingell tells Smith that it takes a lot of hard work and preparation to create a system that will “control the people.” Freudian slip? The American Thinker transcribed the answer (via CentristNet):Let me remind you this has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.
Why can't Washington see that the main problem with Obamacare is not its costs, coverage or faulty projected savings, but that the federal government should not be involved in the health care business at all?! According to the Constitution, such a matter should be left to the free market, citizens, local communities and states.
CALLER: I've gotta revise my estimate. We may last two to three years, tops, and let me tell you why. The 85-15 provision that has just been signed into law an hour ago --
RUSH: Yeah?
CALLER: -- by definition of every state and federal insurance regulator makes us financially unsound.
RUSH: All right, now, I have to take a break here and I want to ask you if you can hold on 'til the top of the next hour where we will get your details on this without any time constraints. Can you hang on?
CALLER: I'll skip a bit of a meeting, sure.
RUSH: You tell 'em it will be worth it.
RUSH: Tell 'em it will be worth it, and if you can't, you tell Snerdley and we'll call you back when you have time, okay?
CALLER: Okay, thank you, dear.
RUSH: You bet.
RUSH: Now, we welcome back from "in hiding" in Atlanta Stacy, who works for an insurance company who's been keeping us updated throughout this past year on the fate of her industry should this thing pass. Now it has passed. Give us the lowdown, Stacy.
CALLER: Um, we're going to make it two years, three tops.
RUSH: Explain why and start at the beginning.
CALLER: Okay. For time immemorial, both state and federal regulation -- and also just the industry standard -- has been a 65-45 percentage arrangement: 65 in claims payment and 45 for administration and claims expense. Withholding that you store for, you know, a major catastrophe or something.
RUSH: This is to pay your claims?
CALLER: No, 65% is to pay the claims. Forty-five percent is for everything else.
RUSH: That means 45% is salaries, administration costs, and the offices, all the paperwork, that kind of thing?
CALLER: It's that as well as, you know, we are required to keep a certain amount of cash on hand as a percentage of our claims exposure to pay claims.
I do apologize for the wait and production let me know that these will be shipping today. The downtime definitely put us off schedule but the guys have been great about working long hours to get caught up. :)
Watch for tracking info this afternoon!
Twelve state attorneys general, all of whom are Republican, have already filed suits to block the health care billon the grounds that its requirement that everyone have health insurance is unconstitutional. Four state legislatures have already passed laws blocking the bill. On Wednesday, Virginia's GOP Gov. Bob McDonnell will sign the bill into the state's law, making it illegal for the federal government to require Americans to purchase health insurance.
Republicans across the country are specifically challenging the mandate in the health care bill that requires every individual to have health insurance, charging that it is unconstitutional.
The individual mandateis an "unprecedented overreach by the federal government forcing individual citizens to buy a good or a service for no other reason then they happen to be alive or a person," Republican governor of Minnesota Tim Pawlenty said today on "Good Morning America."
Fess Parker, who starred as the racoon-skinned Davy Crockett in "Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier," becoming a lifelong star to young Baby Boomers, has died of natural causes, according to reports. He was 85.
Subsequently, however, he attained wealth not in entertainment but in real estate, hitting gold in Santa Barbara with his winery and sprawling, beachfront resort just east of the Santa Barbara pier. Through his hotel, Parker was supportive of the arts, donating rooms to the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, and the Fess Parker Winery served as host to Shakespeare Santa Barbara for several years.
ComiXpress’ Offices in Dumont NJ continue to be without power due to the recent storms. Power is slowly being restored throughout the area, and a representative of the Electric Company PSE&G has recently given us an estimate that power should be restored to our area late today.
Thanks again for your patience as we ride this unforseen storm out. Please know we look forward to being able to roll up our sleeves and return to work full force as soon as possible!
Looks like we’re enjoying a bit of Luck-o-the-Irish here! Power was restored to the grid including the ComiXpress Offices sometime overnight, and we’re back in business! We obviously have a lot to wade through today, including emails, printing, digital production and more – but everyone here is planning 25 hour work-days until things get back on track.
Thanks again to everyone for their patience and understanding during this unfortunate time.
Okay, in the words of Adam West: “Atomic batteries to power! Turbines to speed!”
I have graciously been invited to give my first public speech about my MUSHROOM CLOUDS AND MUSHROOM MEN book at the March 18th meeting of the LA Fantasy Science Society, the oldest such club in the US. The meetings are casual affairs that meet every Thursday evenings at 8p.m. I will be showing brief clips from Honda's films and talk mainly about how I came to write the book and the significance of Honda's movies in my life. Talk should start somewhere around 8:45 and last some 30 minutes. Seating is limited (about 50) so please come early. I will be selling copies of my book, autographed of course!
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521
The numbers say it's a path to political suicide: a whopping 58 percent of the public oppose the congressional Democrats' health-care proposals; 48 percent strongly oppose, while only 19 percent strongly support it -- and 61 percent say scrap the Democrats' cockamamie plans and start over.
By a process known as "reconciliation," Democrats would frustrate Republican filibuster obstruction tactics in the Senate and allow the health care overhaul to be finalised before Congress takes a two-week break on March 26.
The Democrats have been forced to unorthodox tactics after losing their filibuster-proof majority of 60 in the Senate in a Massachusetts by-election.
The Ides of March (Latin: Idus Martiae) is the name of March 15 in the Roman calendar. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other months. The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date that Julius Caesar was killed in 709 AUC or 44 B.C.
Julius Caesar was stabbed to death in the Roman Senate led by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus and 60 other co-conspirators.
Actor Peter Graves was found dead Sunday at his home in Pacific Palisades, according to law enforcement sources. Graves, who stared in "Mission: Impossible," "Airplane!" and Billy Wilder's "Stalag 17"--apparently died of natural causes, the sources said.
Graves was 83.
Job Alert
Hello, Armand
Thank you for your sharing your Job Network resume for this work at home Job Alert! We are a medical transcription company.
After reviewing your resume we are interested.
Transam Associates provides precise medical transcription of voice files that doctors dictate for hospitals, clinics and doctor offices.
Transam Associates also conducts its own training program that prepares individuals for the medical transcription profession. This training is done online in the comfort of your own home. A personal trainer is provided to guide individuals in the training program through a Live Chat environment.
As a recruiter for this national transcription service, I am seeking full-and part-time, home-based medical transcriptionists. We are committed to providing a work environment where medical transcriptionists can grow and be respected for the professionals they are.
This is an entry level opportunity and if you are not yet qualified, we'll provide tuition FREE training and a personal trainer that you'll need to become qualified. Once you meet our criteria, which will be defined for you before you begin, you will be certified by us as an accomplished medical transcriptionist and can begin to work for Transam Associates, Inc.
The pay is good. After completing the training program, people seem to do quite well and as you get more experience, people seem to earn $1,000 to $2,000 a month working about 20-30 hours a week. Some make $3,000-$4,000 a month, full-time 40-48 hours a week (This does not happen overnight). If you want to work more, you'll earn more. If you want to work less, you'll earn less. The choice is yours.
We will provide to you a great working environment where you can make a difference. Our medical transcriptionists start as contractors and are eligible for raises. Whether or not you have experience, you can find rewarding work as a medical transcriptionist.
If you are interested in a job interview please email:
We are looking forward to working with you.
Thank you!
Kimberly Carson
Regional Recruiter
You are so dear, Armand. Thank you. We’re in it together, friend. March 11 this year will be sad for both of us.