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Friday, May 2, 2014

Fremont Tribune Blasts GOP Establishment Candidate For Dishonest Ads Against Ben Sasse

Fremont, NE—Today, the Fremont Tribune published an editorial debunking Shane Osborn’s dishonest attack on comments Ben Sasse made in a speech about ObamaCare that was reported by the Fremont Tribune in 2010. Osborn has run hundreds of thousands of dollars in dishonest ads against Sasse trying to confuse voters about Ben’s views on ObamaCare. Here are the highlights from the Fremont Tribune:

“We believe Mr. Osborn took statements made by Midland University president Ben Sasse during a 2010 health care symposium out of context.”

“...We believe Mr. Osborn used Mr. Sasse’s statements about the potential about a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, without giving enough background about the comments. At the time, Mr. Sasse did say “Republicans are not repealing this bill.” But Mr. Osborn ignores the rest of the statement about how Congress has never repealed any entitlement and that there were not enough votes in both houses of Congress to achieve that goal.”

“We are concerned when any political campaign – whether from the actual candidate or the numerous private groups that have been formed – uses our stories as the basis for negative, attack ads. We are doubly concerned when those ads take the comments out of context.”


“Don’t take comments out of context. Don’t gloss over the important background. Campaigns should post links to the actual content used as examples so voters have the opportunity to read the stories and make up their own minds.

“We cherish our right to free speech and we will steadfastly fight to protect this critical freedom. Part of that fight is pointing out those who we believe take our reporting out of context in attacking another. Our responsibility is to make sure our words, our thoughts, are portrayed accurately. In this case, we do not believe they were.”

The full editorial can be found here:


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