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Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Racist Ralph Northam Saga

Above, Gov. Ralph Northam's 1984 yearbook page.

First, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam admitted that he was one of those pictured in blackface or a Klansman in his 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook page and apologized, but refuses to resign.

Then, he tried to weasel out by claiming that he was not one of those costumed figures and refuses to resign.

He even had the gall, during his last election, to accuse his GOP opponent of racism! It is especially cheeky of him since his opponent was a black Republican.

Gee, if this yearbook page were revealed during that campaign, he would have lost bigtime! The Republican Party in Virginia really dropped the ball by missing this! It was right under their noses!

It is impossible for people to really suspend disbelief in the case of Governor Ralph Northam. He's been aware of those images on his page for 35 years but is "not sure" that he is one of those in the racist photos? If I were so pictured in a high school or college yearbook, I'd sure as hell would remember! He must think that people are really that stupid! In the scheme of things, 1984 was not that long ago!

Admittedly, it is amusing to see the Democrats engage in their "self-cannibalism" of one of their own in demanding that Northam resign. Even Hillary Clinton chimed in and said this has gone on much "too long" and Northam should resign.

Yes, he should resign. His effectiveness as a governor has been destroyed.

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