"The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" Layouts Arrived!
The final layouts arrived in the mail yesterday from J. D. Lees.
Now all I have to do is review them and plan out the advertising inserts. Unfortunately, they were sent as a .pdm file, which is a file program my Windows XP can't open.
I am checking with Comixpress to see if they can and send me a review version that my infernal machine can open. Sometimes things just don't happen all that easy!
Also, I received an email from the Japan Times:
Your "Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" sounds like an interesting story. We would like to know if you will be in Japan over the Christmas/New Year period and willing to make yourself available for one day to talk to one of our writers and show him around the sites. We are interested in running a half page (broadsheet) story with photos on some of the locations mentioned in your guide.
I wish I could do this, but right now the personal funding isn't on-hand to accomplish a trip at present.
UPDATE (11/20/09): J. D. sent me the layouts in PDF format (this is what Comixpress needs anyway) last evening. I am pleased at the results and the corrections/additions I requested were done.
I also learned something new last night. During our email exchange, I said, "Domo arigato gozaimasu!" (That's "thank you very much" in Japanese.) J. D. responded with, "Don't touch the mustache!"
I replied with something silly (not knowing what he meant). And his response was,
"Just in case you didn't know, "Don't touch the moustache" is the way of remembering "do itashimashite" or "Don't mention it" in Japanese."
So one learns something new everyday!
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