Looney Left Report: Holder Consulted With Wife and Brother
Attorney General Eric Holder was interviewed by PBS's Jim Lehrer on his decision to bring 9/11 terrorists to New York to stand trial in civilian court.
This incredible exchange took place during the interview:
JIM LEHRER: Who did you consult while making this decision?
ERIC HOLDER: I talked to the prosecutors in the Justice Department, prosecutors from the Department of Defense, people on the staff here at the Justice Department, people at Defense, a whole variety of people, who shared ideas, thoughts, gave cautionary ideas as well, and, using all of that, came up with the decision that we announced just earlier today.
JIM LEHRER: Did you run it by President Obama?
ERIC HOLDER: Just informed him of the decision.
He's a person who believes that a president's supposed to have hands off with his Justice Department. He's a good lawyer. And there are times when I would like to involve him maybe a little more, but his view is that, in those things that are in the province of the attorney general, all he needs to be is informed.
JIM LEHRER: So, you just told him what your decision was; you didn't say, "What do you think about it, Mr. President?"
ERIC HOLDER: Nope. Told him last night -- or had relayed to him what I was going to do last night while he was on Air Force One on his way to Asia.
JIM LEHRER: Did you talk to anybody outside the government?
ERIC HOLDER: I talked to my wife...
ERIC HOLDER: ... about what she thought. And I actually talked to my brother, who's a retired Port Authority police officer who served...
JIM LEHRER: Oh, is that right? Yes.
Holder didn't talk to prosecutors, constitutional scholars or attorneys?! And he made the decision without consulting with President Obama first and just told him his decision?! Either he's a liar (to cover the President's ass) or he's a clueless numbskull! And his only outside consultations were with his wife and brother?!

Okay, if the trial goes forward in civilian court, with full constitutional rights granted on the defendants, all they need to do to get off is to tell the jury that, 1.) their Miranda Rights weren't read to them; and, 2.) their confessions were obtained via torture (i.e., waterboarding).
Eric Holder just showed that he's unfit to be U.S. Attorney General. He's a flaming idiot! Unless Obama reverses this decision, he's equally an idiot.
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