Since I added some music from classic Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns to this blog, I've been thinking that we really don't have any western superstars.
Granted, as a movie genre, the western has been practically dead. Hollywood used to crank out many westerns a year. That is not the case anymore. Why?
There's plenty of good storytelling that can be done in a western setting. Heck, Seven Samurai was remade as The Magnificent Seven, a western.

Right now, I don't see any potential western superstars of the calibre of a John Wayne (who's been dead for 30 years now) or a Clint Eastwood (who is now, gulp, 79) amongst the current crop of male actors. Most of today's male stars are too effeminate-looking metro-sexuals, girly-men or liberals (note that credible western superstars like Wayne and Eastwood were/are conservative in their political leanings) to be considered really manly cowboys. And none of that Brokeback Mountain crap for me!
Thankfully, we have the old western classics to watch on DVD. I just wish that there could be a revival of the western with a credible western superstar.
I agree Armand. We're lucky that Tom Selleck has made as many westerns as he has the last 20 years or so. Sam Elliot and Robert Duvall have also contributed, but I think you're spot-on, that there's a real dearth of Super-Star Western actors.
What about Gerard Butler? The guy from "300"? The films he plays in depict him as a badass usualy except that one which he was a man giving a woman dating tips. But seeing in "300", I really think with alittle changing physicaly that he could be one.
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