Looney Left Report: We've An Idiot In The White House!
by Armand Vaquer
The Los Angeles Times began their editorial on President Obama's decision to bring 9/11 terrorists to New York to stand trial in civilian court began with this:
The decision to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other accused 9/11 conspirators in the civilian judicial system shows a commitment to the rule of law.
No, the decision only shows that President Obama and his radical-left advisors (including Attorney General Eric Holder) are idiots. It is not surprising that the Times would give that view since they are owned by the Chicago Tribune Corp., sycophants of President Obama.
In practice and by tradition, no prisoner-of-war or enemy combatants have ever been granted constitutional rights or stood trial in a civilian courtroom. They've all been tried by military tribunals. People who think that a conviction is a slam dunk are living in a dream world. Just ask the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.
There's a reason why Guantanamo Bay's prison was set up, it was established so that foreign enemies could not lay claim to "constitutional rights" by stepping foot on U.S. soil.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said this on Fox News Sunday:
“This seems to be an overconcern with the rights of terrorists and a lack of concern for the rights of the public.”
And over on ABC's This Week, Giuliani said:
“In this particular case, we’re reaching out to give terrorists a benefit that’s unnecessary. In fact, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, when he was first arrested, asked to be brought to New York. I didn’t think we were in the business of granting the requests of terrorists.
“It seems to me that the Obama administration is getting away from the fact that we’re at war with these terrorists. They no longer use the term, ‘War on Terror.’”
Giuliani, as you may recall, was the incumbent mayor of New York City on September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was attacked.
There's hardly been a week when Obama or someone from his administration has not said or done something stupid that angers people. Small wonder his approval numbers are sinking.
This also will cause unnecessary security issues for New York.
The only people who are happy with Obama's decision are the radical nutjobs at the ACLU and the extreme leftists of the Democrat Party.
Sheer idiocy!
It is a misleading statement to say "no prisoner of war or enemy combatants" stood trial in a civilian court when a) these are not prisoners of war, they are terrorists. For example: KSM, Kuwaiti by birth, was picked up in Pakistan. We are not at war with either country. Over 100 terrorism cases have been successfully tried in the US including the bombers of the first WTC bombing & the blind sheik. b) the term enemy combatants was distorted by the Bush Administration. Conservatives should have been up in arms that the president could imprison people just on his say so. Since then the Bush White House put 770 people in Gitmo & released over 500 without any charges leaving 200 there for Obama to deal with. And in 2008 the Supreme Court ruled against Bush that the Military Commissions Act could not remove the right for Guantanamo captives to access the US Federal Court system.
Guiliani is contradicting himself. Just two years ago, when Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, was convicted in federal court in Alexandria, Va., Giuliani said that "it shows that we can give people a fair trial, we are exactly what we say we are."
Or you can learn by watching this video. Guiliani is called out on FOX:
Lastly, even Grover Norquist (a stauch Reagan supporter but you know that) supports the civilian court & said quote "the scaremongering behind these issues should stop."
Check your facts.
Why conservatives are so frightened by these murderers & have so little faith in the judicial branch is beyond me.
It is criminalizing war. I don't have faith in our judicial system. What rules will there be? Will the lack of Miranda Rights come into play? Will the interrogation protocols used come into play? There are so many can of worms that will be opened if this goes forward.
It is sheer stupidity on Obama's and Holder's part! - A.
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