A "full-fledged" biography on Superman is now being written by Larry Tye.
The book is being written for Random House and various incarnations of the Superman character are to be covered.
From Larry Tye's website:
From 1986 to 2001, Tye was a reporter at the Boston Globe, where his primary beat was medicine. He also served as the Globe’s environmental reporter, roving national writer, investigative reporter, and sports writer. Before that he was the environmental reporter at the Courier-Journal in Louisville, and covered government and business at the Anniston Star in Alabama.
Tye, who lives with his wife and two children outside of Boston, was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University in 1993-94. He is now working on a biography of Superman for Random House.

His other books include Satchel, Shock: The Healing Power of Electroconvulsive Therapy, Rising from the Rails: Pullman Porters and the Making of the Black Middle Class, Home Lands: Portraits of the New Jewish Diaspora and The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations.
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