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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Google+, R.I.P.

Image result for no more google+

Google has decided to dispense with Google+ for not being used enough.

According to Gizmodo.com:
Google+, a social network that we can certainly say existed and not much more, is slated for a long-overdue trip down the memory hole. 
A ten-month sunsetting period was announced in a Google blog post today about increased security efforts, dubbed Project Strobe, which found a bug in Google+ that could have leaked some personal information users posted to their profiles, though according to Strobe’s analysis no one else was aware of or took advantage of the vulnerability. 
That may have something to do with Google+’s relative obscurity as an online social destination. Despite integration with the company’s other, hugely successful products like Gmail, Blogger, and YouTube, Google admits usage is negligible. In the company’s own words, “90 percent of Google+ user sessions are less than five seconds.”

Today, the Google+ button has disappeared (not a surprise, I was expecting it and we bloggers received notice) from blog posts. So Google+, as Gizmodo said, is now "down the memory hole".

Since the disappearance of the Google+ button, I noticed that blog post hits have diminished. Not too much, but hit have gone down. I never used Google+ as a "social network" outside of making blog posts available to users.

Oh, well.

To read more, go here.

1 comment:

Vaughn Banks said...

I used Google+ a lot when they had the original layout. I found it to be more user-friendly.

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