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Thursday, February 14, 2019

L.A. City Council Wants To Know If Contractors Have NRA Ties

The Looney Left Report

The city council of Los Angeles is becoming more goose-stepping totalitarian by the day.

In 2017, the City Council passed an ordinance that required contractors with the city to disclose whether they helping President Trump's plans for a border wall with Mexico.

Now, they have passed another ordinance requiring companies with a contract with the city to disclose if they have ties to the National Rifle Association.

The Daily Wire reported:
On Tuesday, the L.A. City Council passed an ordinance forcing companies with contracts with the city to reveal whether they have ties to the National Rifle Association. 
There was no hint of dissent in the vote, which was unanimously passed, 14-0. The new policy jives with the City Council’s ordinance that was passed in 2017 requiring companies involved with the city to reveal if they were helping President Trump’s plans for a border wall with Mexico. 
According to The Los Angeles Times, Councilman Mitch O’Farrell, who brought the NRA bill before the council, blustered that the NRA has “been a road block to gun safety reform at every level of government now for several decades.” Margot Bennett, executive director of Women Against Gun Violence, echoed, “Let’s take a look at who we’re doing businesses with who is doing business with the NRA.”
I am sure glad I moved out of Commiefornia! Frankly, it's none of their damn business!

To read more, go here.

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