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Friday, February 15, 2019

Libs Getting A Taste of Their Own Medicine In New Mexico

Above, yours truly at home. 

At least three counties in New Mexico have declared themselves "Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties" and more will be voting on similar resolutions soon.

This is something that radical liberals brought upon themselves. They can't leave well enough alone and now it is backfiring on them.

Bearing Arms has an interesting article on this, and it starts with:
Progressives didn’t mean for this to happen. Not by a longshot. 
They never meant for anyone else to embrace the idea of becoming jurisdictions where certain laws wouldn’t be enforced. When Democrat-controlled cities started doing that regarding immigration, they were probably convinced it was the best idea ever, and it would never backfire. 
Meanwhile, gun rights supporters sat back and smile as these same progressives pushed for gun control. They knew it was time that what was good for the goose was good for the gander. 
In New Mexico, most of the sheriffs of the state have already come out in opposition to proposed gun laws, but one county wasn’t going to leave its chief law enforcement officer high and dry.

To read more, go here.

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