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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Buyers' Remorse: 20% Regret Voting For Biden

There's a lot of buyers' remorse going on.

As His Fraudulency Joe Biden bumbles along creating crises after crises, people who actually did vote for him (not counting the bogus votes) regret doing so.

A new Zogby Poll is out and it is not good news for His Fraudulency.

According to the Washington Examiner:

Millions of people are reconsidering their vote for President Joe Biden last year as they see him hobble through a growing stack of national problems.

The latest Zogby Poll provided to Secrets said that 20% “regret voting for President Biden.”

Remarkably, 21% of Democrats expressed regret, as did 29% of his Republican voters. The overall hit to Biden was tempered by independents, of which just 14% said they wanted their vote back.

The Zogby Analytics survey is rich with details of who is abandoning Biden.

Actually, I think the numbers of people regretting their vote is higher.

People may regret voting for Biden now, but they only provide proof to the old saying, Stupid People Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote

As pundit Laura Ingraham put it:

If Trump were here, gas would be $2.00/gal, the border would be enforced, 13 service members would be alive, unemployment would be down…just for starters.

To read more, go here.

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