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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Navigating RV Life As We Age

Above, at camp at Base Camp 550 in Ridgway, Colorado last weekend. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Aging is inevitable, unless one plans to "cash in their chips" a lot earlier. The old saying about growing old is true, "It sure beats the alternative!"  I'll be hitting 70 in a few months. 

It is weird that mentally, one feels the same as if they were still in their 20s, but the body isn't exactly cooperating. There are ways of dealing with that.

Above, yours truly at the house used in True Grit (1969) near Ridgway.

Travel is one thing that I still enjoy doing. Keeping active, according to my cardiologist, is the key to prolonging good health. This goes for RVing. I had a great time last weekend going to the John Wayne Cancer Foundation's Half Marathon and 5K and volunteering to man an aid station in Ridgway, Colorado. The drive to and from Ridgway was only six hours long, much of it was on winding mountain roads. I also did a lot of walking, which is also essential.

With the above in mind, RV Travel has posted an article on navigating RV life as we age. 

They begin it with:

A recent “tweak” in my back sidelined me. I took a week off from our latest construction project to recuperate. The incident reminded me that I’m no spring chicken! I’m rushing headlong into “old hen” territory. I don’t like it, but there it is. I’m getting older, and my recovery stint got me thinking about navigating RV life as we age.


Of course, the best thing an RVer can do is take good care of themselves—health-wise: Eat right. Exercise. Visit your healthcare professional once a year. We all know the drill. We need to DO it!

Once you put a checkmark beside the aforementioned basics, are there other tips for navigating RV life as we age? You bet! It’s essential to make adjustments so that your RV lifestyle remains safe, enjoyable, and comfortable even as you grow older.

To read more, go here

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