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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Support of Red Flag Laws Drops Once People Find Out The Details

There is no question that I am steadfastly opposed to red flag laws since I was subjected to California's six years ago. My outcome came out fine, but at some expense. I found out firsthand that red flag laws can and are abused by vengeful people.

Polls have been showing that the general public like the idea about red flag laws. But a new study shows that once people, who were favorable, find out the details, they change their minds. They see that rights of due process are violated.

Yahoo! News reported:

A new study shows that the attitude of Americans toward red flag laws, where guns are taken away from citizens by a judge who determines they are a danger to themselves or others, dramatically changes from support to opposition when more detail is provided in the poll question about the process of gun confiscation via the legal process.

The recently released study of 1,000 likely voters conducted by the Crime Prevention Research Center initially showed that 58% of people support red flag laws when told the "primary purpose is to allow judges to take away a person’s gun based on a single complaint when there is a concern about that individual committing suicide."

When respondents were told there are no hearings where a defendant presents their case to a judge before their gun rights are taken away and mental health experts are not involved in the process, the 58% support drops down to 30% with 47% opposing.

To read more, go here

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