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Monday, September 3, 2018

Japan Travel: 5 Unnecessary Things Tourists Do

Above, a shinkansen arrives at Atami Station. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Before going on a vacation or business trip to Japan, there are plenty of things that visitors do that are completely unnecessary. Yet they continue to do them.

GaijinPot and JTB have teamed up with an article on five unnecessary things that travelers do when going to Japan.

They start with:
Having lived in Japan for a number of years, including a brief stint acting as a volunteer guide (mostly shouting: “This way!”), I’ve witnessed tourists make the same travel mistakes again and again; things that may feel like the most necessary course of action for any well-prepped traveler but, to me, seem kind of avoidable. 
To help promote its new Luggage-Free Travel service, JTB, Japan’s largest travel agency, and GaijinPot have teamed up to reveal the most common unnecessary things tourists do when traveling in Japan — and how avoiding these practices will make your trip easier and way more fun.

To read more, go here

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