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Sunday, February 10, 2019

"Green New Deal" A Socialist Fraud

The new Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled her "Green New Deal" and a number of Democrats, including several presidential candidates, signed on.

But, as Mark Penn notes, it has more in common with Mao's "Cultural Revolution" than FDR's "New Deal" of the 1930s.

Above, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Penn wrote in Fox News:
The “Green New Deal” is not green at all. If anything it’s a raw, red deal. It calls for a government takeover of our wage, and of our energy, housing, health care and transportation sectors. It has more in common with Mao’s Cultural Revolution than it does FDR’s New Deal, which lifted millions out of the Great Depression. 
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced this resolution with Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ed Marky and a bevy of supporting congressmen.
One wonders if anyone actually read it. 
One section says that in the spirit of democracy that only people from “frontline and vulnerable communities and workers” will “plan, run and administer” all of these massive green deal programs. 
Just as Mao’s Cultural Revolution empowered students over their parents, so this bill sets up identity politics groups as having power over the major sectors of the economy. It even calls for a national “mobilization,“ as Mao did. 
Referencing historical discrimination, this bill in effect does away with one person one vote, or democracy as we know it, since in this resolution, redress of the past requires that only these designated groups would have a say in running this plan, whose administration would in effect be the domestic policy of the country.

After people started examining her plan and picking it apart, Ocasio-Cortez removed it from her website and claimed people were mischaracterizing it. But thanks to The Wayback Machine, she was caught in a blatant lie, as The Federalist Papers notes.

To read more, go here

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