"There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit." - President Ronald Reagan.

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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Energy Prices and Biden’s Economic Incoherence

Above, time to get those stickers out again!

His Fraudulency Joe Biden is back to begging foreign oil producers to increase production. That is falling on deaf ears. They have no respect for the weak old man at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

While he and his party threatens our oil industry with destruction and trying to force people into electric vehicles, the country is in disarray.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal has an excellent editorial on the mess Biden has put the country in.

They begin it with:

Gasoline prices are heading skyward again, and President Joe Biden is back to begging foreign interests to keep pumping even as the White House threatens to drive domestic producers out of business. And so, once again, we see on full display the economic confusion that has characterized the first 21 months of this foundering administration.

The average price of gasoline in Nevada stands at $5.51 a gallon, up more than 40 cents in the past week. Washington, Oregon, Arizona and Alaska have experienced similar increases. Californians are now paying an average of $6.38 a gallon.

When gasoline prices declined steadily for three months during the summer, Mr. Biden was eager to take credit for the improvement. Now? He’s pointing fingers in a desperate attempt to shift blame with an election on the horizon. 

If anyone needs a reason to vote the Democrats out of office next month, this is it! Remember, elections have consequences!

To read the full editorial, go here


J.D. Lees said...

Last week gas prices in Canada jumped 79.5 cents per gallon in one day!! We are paying just over $7 for one US gallon in my part of the country. When Trump was president it was about $3.35. I believe that out governments don't want us to be able to drive and move about as freely as we used to... part of their strategy of control. Ronald Reagan used to talk about the great boon to liberty that the American automobile gave to average people. The democrats and their globalist puppet masters are busy trying to take it away... from the average person, not from themselves of course.

Armand Vaquer said...

They also can't sell those crappy electric cars if gasoline is cheap either!

J.D. Lees said...

Electric cars will be useless in Canada. It takes way longer to charge and the range is hopelessly reduced in our cold climate. I've read several articles about people trying to use them in Canadian winters and getting about 100 miles per charge. And what about your camper (a.k.a. The Beast)? How far could you drive that, especially through the mountains or in colder months. EVs are a total scam to ease ignorant people's qualms about getting off carbon based fuels. In the end, we'll have to go back to horses and buggies. Maybe time to buy stock in buggy whip factories, except the animal rights nutcases will probably outlaw them

Armand Vaquer said...

Wait until people in electric cars get stuck in traffic in a blizzard for hours running their heaters and the batteries go down to zero.

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