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Saturday, May 13, 2023

California Proposing Mileage Tax

The Left wing Democrats in Commiefornia now say that since more people are driving electric vehicles, they are getting less revenue from the state's gasoline tax to maintain the state's roads.

Their solution? Impose a mileage tax on California drivers. That's what's being proposed.

The amounts I've been seeing are four cents per mile and two cents per mile.

If a four cents per mile tax were imposed, someone driving 10,000 miles in a year would have to pay $400 that year in mileage tax. If two cents per mile, then the amount would be $200 for that year.

There are some questions on how they would tabulate everyone's mileage and privacy issues.

Some say that would "never" pass, but don't underestimate the stupidity of their elected officials and the state's voters. They've proven that time and time again.

I'm glad I moved out of that ridiculous overtaxed state.

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