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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Japan Snowfall: Why Am I NOT Surprised?

Above, an intersection in Ueno, Tokyo on February 9. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

News On Japan posted an article that states this winter's snowfall in Japan is the "second largest since such data was first collected in 1961." This is from an announcement Monday by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

The article states:
According to the agency, the record heavy snowfall in the Kanto and Koshin regions from December to February was 3.4 times typical annual averages and was the second-heaviest snowfall since 1984, which recorded a little more than four times the annual average. 
It was just my luck to have been in Japan when the first big storm of February 8-9 hit and when the second storm hit on February 14-15.

To read more, go here

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