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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Seven Healthy Reasons To Eat Sushi

Above, a sushi restaurant window display in Asakusa, Tokyo. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The popularity of the Japanese food sushi has spread throughout the world.

In the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, there seems to be more sushi restaurants along Ventura Blvd., from Woodland Hills to Universal City, than in the city of Tokyo (although I really doubt this, but it sure seems that way).

Japan Today has an article on "Seven Healthy Reasons To Eat Sushi."

They start it with:
TOKYO —Sushi already has a lot going for it. It’s tasty, one of the quickest, most easily accessible contact points for Japanese culture, and with its extensive use of raw fish, a boon for those who can’t cook anything without burning it. 
Even better, almost every ingredient that goes into or is traditionally eaten alongside sushi is bursting with health benefits, right down to the cup of green tea generally caps off the meal.
To read the article, go here

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