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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Traveling With Friends: Pros & Cons

Above, Mitch Geriminsky (right) and I about to have breakfast in Grand Teton National Park. 

Anyone travel with friends in an RV? I have several times and, so far, it has worked out just fine. Most recently was last January when we stayed overnight at an Albuquerque KOA so we can get to the airport bright and early to catch our flight to Love Field in Dallas, Texas.

Others may find that traveling solo is preferable.  

Sharing the cost of a trip is a big plus, especially when one is on a fixed income.

RV Travel has an article on the pros and cons of traveling with friends.

They begin it with:

It seemed like a good idea at the time … after all, we’d been friends for a long time. After an extended trip together, we all agreed that we’d learned a lot. Here are some of the pros and cons we discovered as we traveled with friends.

To see what the pros and cons are, go here

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