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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Sex Crimes: Cuomo Faces Charges, Lujan Grisham Gets A Pass From Crony Attorney General

Above, NM Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been filed on with a misdemeanor sex crime complaint.

According to Newsmax:

A misdemeanor complaint has been filed against former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in a court in Albany, the state's capital, a spokesman for the New York state courts said on Thursday.

The full complaint is here.

"At the aforesaid date time and location the defendant Andrew M. Cuomo did intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose, forcibly place his hand under the blouse shirt of the victim [redacted] and into her intimate body part. Specifically, the victims (sic) left breast for the purposes of degrading and gratifying his sexual desires, all contrary to the provisions of the statute in such case made and provided," the complaint reads.

He certainly deserves it. To read more, go here.

In the meantime, another Democrat governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, seems to be getting a pass on her incidents involving groping. This is no surprise since the state's attorney general, Hector Balderas, is a Lujan Grisham crony. He refuses to even investigate the accusations.

From the Piñon Post:

Now, as action is being taken against Cuomo for his alleged groping of staffers, there is silence emanating from the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office regarding scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. Attorney General Balderas — a Michelle Lujan Grisham ally — has not filed charges or sought an investigation.

Grisham not only is accused of groping multiple men, but she also paid off $150,000 in hush money to alleged groping victim James Hallinan following his claims that he poured a bottle of water over his crotch and then she grabbed his penis through his jeans. 

To read more, go here.

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