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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Roy Rogers and Wolf Brand Chili

Above, Wolf Brand chili. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While watching Mackintosh and TJ, starring Roy Rogers in his last movie role, something familiar caught my eye.

There's a scene in which Roy is gathering food supplies from the 6666 Ranch's supply store. On a shelf were several cans of Wolf Brand Texas chili. It is only logical since the movie takes place in Texas.

Above, Roy Rogers and Joan Hackett. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Wolf Brand chili has to be the best canned chili I have found. I keep several cans of it in my pantry. They make several varieties. Some have beans, some not, some lean and some very hot. It comes in handy for quick meals on blustery days. I usually add green onions and sharp cheddar cheese to it.

Above, the red Wolf chili cans are at left on a shelf. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since the movie is on Blu-ray, I had to shoot a photo of the scene showing the cans.

There's a number of familiar brands in the scene. Nothing like some good ol' fashioned product placement in a movie!

Wolf Brand chili has been around for a while, since 1895.

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