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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Are We Really Running Out of Diesel?

It is a good thing that I have no vehicles that are powered by diesel. Likewise, I don't need it to heat the house.

But that doesn't help those who do, especially the trucking industry.

RV Travel took a look at the so-called diesel "shortage" and posted an article on what they found. One of the reasons given are shuttered refineries. We have one in Jamestown, New Mexico.

They begin with:

Recent headlines have drawn attention to a shortage of diesel fuel across the country. The number of days of current supply has dropped to 25 amid problems with petroleum transportation and shuttered U.S. refineries.

RVers might experience shortages of retail diesel fuel in the weeks ahead, particularly in the Eastern and Southeastern regions of the country. Prices will be high across the continent.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), stocks of diesel fuel and other distillate fuel oils were down to 106 million barrels as of October 21, 2022, which the agency says is the lowest for the autumn season since it began collecting data in 1982.

Are we “running out” of diesel?

Yes and no.

To read more, go here

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