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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Hanoi Jane and Other Leftists Aiding Lujan Grisham

A person is known by the company they keep. 

Ultra-leftists, communists, socialists and radical liberals are making a last-ditch effort to rescue New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's campaign.

They include the George Soros family, Michael Bloomberg and Hanoi Jane Fonda.

The Piñon Post reported:

According to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign filing between October 4, 2022, and November 1, 2022, the far-left governor got a last-ditch surge of cash from the George Soros family — this time from Soros’ third child Jonathan and his wife, Jennifer.

The billionaire’s son and his wife gave $10,000 each to Lujan Grisham on October 6. 

The Democratic Governors Association (DGA)-linked PAC “A Stronger New Mexico,” which is helping Lujan Grisham, received an October 7 surge of cash from Democrat billionaire ex-New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg. He dunked $1 million into the PAC to help save the governor’s hide. His anti-gun group “Everytown for Gun Safety” also dunked $100,000 into the PAC. 

Other contributions to the pro-Lujan Grisham PAC included $150,000.00 from the abortion up-to-birth group EMILY’s List, as well as $4.7 million from the DGA, and $150,000 from the enviro-Marxist Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) Votes.

Approximately 81 of her contributions during the period came from attorneys, 13 from those identifying themselves as “CEOs,” 20 from professors, and 15 from artists, among others. She also received $3,000 from far-left actress Jane Fonda. The Planned Parenthood abortion business gave her $1,325.66 in in-kind contributions during the period. 

To read more, go here.

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