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Sunday, January 8, 2023

RPNM Statement On Biden's Border Visit


Albuquerque, January 8—Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Congressman Steve Pearce this afternoon released the following statement regarding President Biden’s visit to El Paso along the Southern border:
“President Biden’s visit to the border today was simple political theater. He, along with ‘Border Czar’ Vice President Harris, has made it obvious that this administration won’t admit there’s an ongoing crisis at the border. His visit is a phony, arbitrary piecemeal solution to what’s become an unprecedented catastrophe under his watch. There have been more than 5 million illegal border crossings under Biden, and these migrants flood into our communities with unchecked health or criminal backgrounds. Drug and human trafficking across our border is skyrocketing."
Pearce also addressed the lack of political courage of El Paso’s mayor Oscar Leeser:
“Mayor Leeser last month had declared a state of emergency in his city because of the migrant crisis and the thousands of people pouring into his community. Now he’s covering up this evidence by quickly cleaning up the streets and migrant camps and hiding the problem from the President and national media. Shame on him for his lack of integrity and blatant cowardice to not admit the crisis is happing around him and to not confront the catastrophe head on.”
Former New Mexico Congresswoman Yvette Herrell also issued the following statement on today’s presidential border visit:
“For too long this President and his administration have ignored the crisis at the Southern border. His visit today is too little, too late, we need real leadership and a path forward to secure the border and reform legal immigration….Republicans in Congress have commonsense solutions to keep Americans safe and put an end to the crisis, but President Biden refuses to act.”

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