"There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit." - President Ronald Reagan.

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Obama: Speak Big But Carry A Soft Stick!

President Theodore Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy was, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick!"

President Barack Obama's approach to foreign policy is, "Speak big, but carry a soft stick!"

We are seeing this right now as Russian President Vladimir ("Vlad the Invader") Putin thumbed his nose at Obama by mobilizing troops and tanks into the Ukraine within hours following Obama's affirmation of "there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine."

If Obama ever makes "Vlad the Invader" crap his pants, he will only do so by making him laugh too hard to contain this bowels. Putin is making the U.S. and the West look weak in this matter.

Bullying dictators only respect strength and resolve. Obama has displayed neither.

It is interesting that all this is happening after Obama and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced a cut to the nation's defenses to levels not seen since before World War II.

Ronald Reagan, who knew that peace only comes through strength, is probably spinning in his grave.

If anyone needs evidence that a new Cold War has started, we have it now. And this is because we have an incompetent president with idiotic policies who surrounds himself with other idiots and kooks of the kind not seen since the days of Jimmy Carter.

And liberals now drool over the prospect of a "President Rodham-Clinton", a woman who accomplished nothing as secretary of state, except to get four people butchered in Libya, including our ambassador and then lied about it.

Heaven help us!

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