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Monday, March 4, 2019

Doctor Appointment and Eyeglasses Problem

Above, without my glasses, AOC looks like this (well, she looks like this anyway).

Today, for the most part, was a a busy day.

I had to go into Gallup for my regular check-up. Blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, etc. all came out fine.

I have to go in later in the month to get a pneumonia vaccine (they were out of the vaccine). The doctor recommends them of those in my age group. Considering how miserable my "honorary sister" was when she came down with pneumonia recently, I decided that would be a good idea. I should get vaccinated before my cruise to Cuba next month.

While in the lab for a blood test, a screw to my eyeglasses broke and I had to get it taken care of. Fortunately, I keep a spare pair of glasses in The Beast and was able to drive with those. I went to three places to see about getting the eyeglasses fixed. The first one doesn't do glasses. The second place (a block away) tried, but one part was bent, so they recommended Bishop Optical a mile away. That did the trick. They were able to fix it in minutes at no charge!

It is just as well this happened when it did instead of being on a cruise ship. I am currently on a waiting list for an optometrist to get an eye exam. They are booked up through May. I definitely need new glasses!

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