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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Best Tokyo Observation Decks

Above, Tokyo Tower from Tokyo City View atop Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

If you have been to Tokyo before, but have never viewed the city from a high observation deck, taking the time to check out the skyline from up high is something that should be included on your next visit.

Time Out Tokyo has a list of places that offer the best views of the city.

They start with:
To realise how massive Tokyo is, it's best to head up to one of the many observation decks in the city, where you can look out at our megalopolis, with views that stretch out to as far as the iconic Mt Fuji, Yokohama or Chichibu on a clear day.  
The landmark Tokyo Tower is a popular option, especially since it has recently opened the Top Deck, which is at 250 meters high. Tokyo Skytree attracts a fair share of the tourist crowd too; its Tembo Galleria, at a height of 450m, makes the concrete jungle below look like a miniature world − definitely not for those who are afraid of heights. 
While a visit to some of these observation decks often come with prices as lofty as the view, we have also included a free option on our list. Here's our guide to the best vantage points in Tokyo, where you can expect to be dazzled by the sprawling cityspace and beautiful architecture.

To read more, go here

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