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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Supports Semi-Auto Ban and "High Capacity" Magazine Ban

Right now, the GOP is maintaining control of the U.S. Senate (thank God, for it is a buffer against radical leftist legislation originating from the House of Representatives).

All that could change if the two senate seats up for election (one a runoff and one a special election) go to the Democrats.

The candidate in the runoff campaign is an anti-Second Amendment leftist (although he says he "supports" the Second Amendment).

According to American Military News:

Jon Ossoff, a candidate for one of Georgia’s two runoff senate elections, said on his campaign website that he supports a ban on semi-automatic rifles, which he referred to as “assault weapons,” and a ban on “high-capacity magazines,” as well as “red flag” confiscation laws.

Ossoff stated in his gun policy platform, “I support the Second Amendment and I respect the overwhelming majority of gun owners who recognize that guns aren’t toys; they are lethal and dangerous tools.” Ossoff then listed a number of gun policy proposals he supports, including the ban on semi-automatic rifles and magazines over a certain capacity.

Ossoff is headed for a runoff election with, Sen. David Purdue (R-GA) on Jan. 5, 2021. The runoff race comes after Purdue led with 49.7 percent of the vote to Ossoff’s 48 percent of the vote. Georgia’s election laws require a candidate to run a majority of votes to win a race outright, otherwise, the race goes to a runoff. The race between Purdue and Ossoff is taking place while Georgia’s other Senate seat is also headed to a runoff after a special election.

“I support a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles (“assault weapons”) and high-capacity magazines to the general public,” Ossoff said in his gun policy platform. However, he did not describe what capacity qualifies gun magazines to be “high-capacity.”

As if that's really going to fly in Georgia. But you never know in this wacky year.

To read more, go here.

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