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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Perceptions of RVers Justified?

Above, a derelict motorhome in Tarzana, California. Photo by Armand Vaquer. 

The numbers of people, who would be otherwise homeless, living in RVs has swelled over the years. Crime associated with these people have also swelled.

There are those who have RVs who keep their rigs in tip-top condition for that next adventure on the road.

To many people, the perception of RVers isn't differentiated. To them, we're all a bunch of "Cousin Eddies", or worse.

RV Travel has an article on the perceptions given to RVers.

They begin it with:

Hey, RVer – In some people’s eyes, you’re a bum, a trespasser, arsonist or worse. Stick with me a minute and I’ll bet you agree … sort of.

The number of “houseless” Americans has ballooned. We know that, they know that, bureaucrats who work for us know that, and so does law enforcement. Here’s the rub: A significant number of those folks are living in RVs … and news media often don’t differentiate between your shiny lifestyle-oriented rig poised in the driveway for the next adventure, and the eyesore of a blue-tarp-clad wreck broken down on a city street in a puddle of motor oil. Yep, you are them, and vice-versa.

 As the article states, there are bad apples out there and they can spoil the whole bunch. Because of this, places like Walmart an Cabela's are not so welcoming to overnighters on their properties.

To read the full article, go here.

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