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Monday, February 26, 2024

San Diego Rodeo Ban Would Threaten Tribal History and Culture

Above, many rodeos in the Southwest are predominantly Native American. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Once upon a time, the city of San Diego was pretty much a conservative city with Republican mayors and council members. That has apparently gone by the wayside as liberal lunatics have taken over and there is talk of an ordinance banning rodeos within the city.

Nearby Native American tribes call any ban on rodeos a threat to their history and culture. 

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported:

SAN DIEGO —  Local tribal leaders and charro groups are lobbying San Diego to put the brakes on a proposed citywide rodeo ban, contending city leaders have been duped by activists and need to thoroughly educate themselves.

While the ban wouldn’t apply to local tribes because their land is outside the city limits, they’re fighting it because they believe bans proposed recently in San Diego and Los Angeles could spread statewide quickly.

They say San Diego’s ban threatens longtime traditions because rodeos are a cultural practice with roots that have been intertwined with Black, Indigenous and Mexican American communities for centuries.

“The city has not equipped itself with accurate information to craft sensible, equitable policy, and we fear that it could lead to a dismissal of our cultural history and heritage in San Diego,” the groups said in a joint letter to the city. “In the spirit of inclusivity, we urge the City Council and its staff to participate in a dialogue and begin their educational journey on our practices and values.”

This really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. After all, we're talking California (i.e., Commiefornia) here.

To read more, go here

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