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Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Horsey Next Door

Above, getting the horse ready for a saddle. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since the Mustang (the car) decided to go on the "Fritz" this morning, I won't be going back to Prewitt for the fair's rodeo.

Above, the trainers and the horse. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

But, I watched a rodeo of sorts at home. My next door neighbors (who moved in last December) brought in some horse trainers to break the gelding he has. Mike, my neighbor (whom I met today), says the horse was a wild one, about four years old. He's never been ridden.

Above, the horse giving some resistance. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since this day had turned out not what I expected, I hung around and watched the men work the horse. They managed to get a saddle on him and all the other gear. Then, one of them mounted the horse and WHAMO!

Nothing happened.

The horse just stood there. No bucking or any other resisting moves.

Above, the first time the horse had a rider. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Mike, who has a ranch nearer to Gallup, said he's never seen such a thing and he had broken many horses over the years.

This was the first time seeing the horse up close and he has sky blue eyes. He has no name as yet. I told Mike that if he wants to work the horse in the Barking Spider Acre, he can feel free to do so.

So, I guess this day hasn't turned out to be such a dud after all.

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