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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Albuquerque Journal Rebukes Gov. Lujan Grisham's "Heavy-Handed" Tactics Against Papas Pawn

Nearly $2,900 has been raised (at this writing) at the Go Fund Me page for Diane Rowe of Papas Pawn & Gun in Grants, New Mexico in response to Gov. "Malevolent Michelle" Lujan Grisham's $60,000 fine for reopening.

There are views on both sides of the fence of this matter, but the Albuquerque Journal posted a rare editorial by the paper's editorial board rebuking the governor's heavy-handed (some say Gestapo) tactics against Rowe.

Here's some snippets (highlights mine):
The state’s action is obviously trying to make an example of Rowe. It’s also worth noting that it occurred within days of Rowe speaking to local news media. 
But this administration’s heavy-handed approach – and singling Rowe out – could have an opposite effect than intended. Republican legislators in the state House have warned of growing civil unrest and “social chaos.” Grants, where Mayor Martin Hicks unsuccessfully tried to reopen businesses last week, has become a hot spot in the brewing revolt. Hicks was also met by State Police and a citation. Grants is the county seat of Cibola County, where Sheriff Tony Mace says deputies won’t enforce the public health orders. 
The governor said during a news conference last week that “this notion that you don’t have to comply is wrong,” that the coronavirus is still spreading and dangerous, and areas near Grants have been hit hard. She’s not wrong. But how she is treating this scofflaw is. The state’s draconian response to Rowe couldn’t be clearer: “Defy us and we will crush you.” 
Some will say Rowe had it coming for defying public health orders and potentially placing customers at risk. Others will say she had a constitutional right as a gun shop owner to conduct business and never should have been forced to close. But few people will say, especially given her limiting customers and social contact, that six cops and a $60,000 fine is in order. 
That bullying technique is simply escalating a bitter divide between this administration and thousands of small-business owners who feel they are not being listened to and who deserve a seat at the table. 
By insisting on the $60,000 fine, the governor runs the risk of turning Rowe, and any who emulate her, into Western folk heroes, Calamity Janes of the coronavirus age who fight power brokers for the rights of the little people. In this case, that’s small-business owners who fail to see any fairness in the fact they cannot open responsibly – with safety standards that surpass those being practiced by large “essential” businesses that often sell the same items. 
This editorial first appeared in the Albuquerque Journal. It was written by members of the editorial board and is unsigned as it represents the opinion of the newspaper rather than the writers.

To read the full editorial, go here.

1 comment:

David Wilguess said...

This woman is and has been out of control even before she was elected. She was heavy handed and the people voted for her for what reason is beyond all that had a bit of since. When our legislators first voted for her so called gun law that should have been voted out. The ones that voted against the wishes of the people are just as bad as she is. My thoughts is she will push against guns and will always try to violate the rights of all the people. Why has the Democratic party want to try to take our rights. Why do they always want our guns first. They as Hitler do not want use to beable to protect our selves from them. Why would a police officer violate his oath against his friends and the people that pay taxes that pay this Government. She is the one that shut down this State now she and her cronies will push hard to raise property taxes when all of us have suffered loss of income. I know a lot of people that could loose their homes if the property taxes go any higher. I have always voted for the person and not the party if I think the person is going to vote to take my rights and fine me with out just ruling by a judge then I will never vote for them. They have convinced people that traffic laws and zoning laws are to protect us. These laws are put in place as revenue for them and to control us and to make us scared so we will lay down and let them take advantage of people. I thank this lady for standing up for all of us, I had a problem years ago with the town board in Bayard they did their best to close my business because I would not run it the way they instructed me thank GOD we had a good Governor that believed in the Constitution and helped me against the out of control board we had at the time. We have one now that is going to try to enforce their zoning laws not for the better of the town but for the income they can get from the fines and when have we let a Mayor or Governor set down a fine it is the job of the Judges to set the fines or jail time not some out of control elected official. I ask why one of the law firms in out state has not offered to help this business owner with this. I guess she has the same problem as I did over 20 years ago not enough money so the greed took control because no one is willing to help when a person is down unless you are down where they can walk by and kick you in the teeth. I figure I will pay for this letter by a big fine raise my taxes or some other tactic because I spoke out for our rights as American's when we are not happy with elected officials. What is the difference between a business that sells guns the a place that sells everything except the big corporation has lawyers to stop them from loosing money. That is it damn I found the answer the reason we have elected officials is POWER AND CONTROL over the peons.

David Wilguess

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