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Saturday, May 9, 2020

RV Travel: Is RVing As We Have Known It Over For Now?

Above, a crowd gathers to watch Old Faithful Geyser erupt at Yellowstone National Park last summer. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

People are wondering when the pandemic is going to be over with so that life can return to some semblance of normalcy.

This includes RVers, who are wondering what RV life is going to be like afterwards.

RV Travel editor Chuck Woodbury has an "Editor's Corner" article that asks, "Is RVing as we have known it over for now?"

He begins it with:
Most of us, I believe, are ready for the pandemic to end. Enough is enough. The thought of it going through the summer, even into next year and beyond is almost too much to fathom. And yet that is exactly what could happen. 
Everybody talks about a vaccine, but the fact is, there is no guarantee it will even happen — we don’t even a vaccine for the common cold. The 1918 pandemic ended after several years only because the virus had mutated and become weaker. People still got sick, but they didn’t die, and then they gained immunity — “all clear” to enjoy the Roaring ’20s. 
RVing as we have known it is gone, in my opinion. It’s not dead, but it has already changed dramatically. I am writing now at my 2×4 foot desk in the corner of the bedroom of my 32-foot motorhome where I am self-quarantining. I’m not visiting museums, dining in little cafes along Route 66 (I’m only 50 yards away from the historic road). I’m not stopping in tourist shops searching for another jackalope to add to my collection. I’m not standing, side by side, with 300 other people watching Old Faithful erupt. I’m not the only one doing this sort of thing.
To read more, go here

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