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Friday, December 4, 2020

Support Georgia Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue

Above, Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

The Democrats are again trying to steal the Georgia run-off election!

Hollywood leftists are flooding Georgia with money and people from out-of-state to register to vote in the run-off election for the state's two senate seats. They are working to get out the vote in Georgia's cemeteries!

It is imperative that we retain both senate seats as a buffer against radical leftist bills from the House of Representatives.

Many Trump voters, it is said, are sitting out this election in rage over the rigged November 3 election. I don't believe it, for they know that the only thing standing in the way of the rampant socialist agenda would be a Republican-controlled senate. You don't want Chucky Schumer to become Majority Leader, do you?

Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue need your contributions to defeat the left wing Democrats they're running against.

To donate to Sen. Kelly Loeffler's campaign, go here.

To donate to Sen. David Perdue's campaign, go here.

Please donate to Kelly's and David's campaigns! I just did!

1 comment:

J.D. Lees said...

If Trump is ousted, Georgia doesn't really matter anymore. You can only prop up a rotten and corrupt system for so long. Maybe it's time to let the leftists have their way, sit back, and watch them complete their transformation of the USA into a huge pile of $h!+. The sane people in the red states can declare their independence and start over, and leave the socialists, the collectivists, and the woke-ists to wallow in their own filth. Just make sure you get it right next time, and include "life, liberty, PROPERTY, and the pursuit of happiness" in the new constitution. No more stealing the bounty of productive people to sustain all the parasites that will eventually destroy everything in their endless greed and envy. Build a new City on a Hill, and leave the slum to the Cuomos and Newsomes and Clintons and Obamas and everyone else responsible for it.

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