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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What To See In Japan

Above, the Wako department store in Ginza with its winter lighting. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Over the years, I have blogged about things to see and do in Japan, some are repeats, but they are worth visiting and doing. As in many things in life, different visitors have different opinions on things to see. 

The latest is from The MiceTimes of Asia. They have posted an article with some tips for tourists on what things to see in Japan.

They begin with (in part):
Japan is a country with many faces, changeable as the seasons of the year. Here, pieced together thousands of years of tradition, modern technology and fantastic mix of different Asian cultures in one way or another influenced our perception of life. Says Yoshiko Oshima. 
If you want to go to Japan, plan your trip for spring travel brochures don’t cheat, it really is a fabulously beautiful season, especially during cherry blossom, or Sakura, as we call it. One of the downright obligatory entertainment for the locals at this time of the year – a romantic or a family picnic under the trees strewn with white flowers, when not in a hurry and enjoy the charm of the moment.

To read more (and see photos), go here

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