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Monday, May 6, 2019

News From Republican Party of New Mexico

Monday, May 6, 2019
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The Washington Examiner reports that the U.S. Border Patrol has arrested 424 migrants, its largest-ever group ever in Sunland Park:
  • This past Tuesday morning, Border Patrol agents stationed on the U.S.-Mexico border arrested a group of 424 people who illegally crossed into New Mexico. Authorities said the group is the largest ever apprehended at once.
  • The massive group of primarily Central American families and children traveling without parents arrived in Sunland Park shortly after midnight.
  • Hours later, a second group of 230 people illegally crossed the border and surrendered to agents from the El Paso Sector.
  • Border Patrol's parent agency, Customs and Border Protection, said the groups are not traveling to the U.S. on their own, they are paying human smugglers and cartels to get them into the U.S.

At the same time, the U.S. Border Patrol also admits that they have no choice but to release thousands who were exposed to diseases like tuberculosis.

From the Conservative Review:
  • [Last] Sunday, Aaron Hull, chief patrol agent of the El Paso sector, divulged to the public what we already suspected but most government officials assiduously covered up. The head of the second busiest illegal immigration corridor told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is increasingly “caring for more and more sick people, because a lot of these aliens coming in are carrying contagious health conditions, things like chicken pox, scabies, tuberculosis, lice.”
  • Tuberculosis. That is the disease we sought to eradicate through our laws as early as 1907 by requiring every prospective immigrant to wait at Ellis Island, away from the population, until they got the green light to enter.
  • It is simply inconceivable that this is not a priority threat to the American people. It is certainly a violation of current immigration law. 
    • The law (8. U.S.C. §1182(a)(1)(A)(i)-(ii)) states clearly that any alien “who has failed to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, which shall include at least the following diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B and hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations against vaccine-preventable diseases” are inadmissible.

      Moreover, 8 U.S.C. § 1222(a) requires the government to detain them “for a sufficient time to enable the immigration officers and medical officers to subject such aliens to observation and an examination sufficient to determine whether or not they belong to inadmissible classes.”

But that is not what is happening.  In fact, after Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham went on CNN and dubbed New Mexico as the next Ellis Island, she along with Democrat Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller have opened up state facilities at Expo New Mexico to house migrants.

In response to the border crisis, Otero County is taking proactive measures to prevent their county from becoming the next place to house migrants.
  • “The Board of County Commissioners of Otero County declares its opposition to the United States Border Patrol and other federal agencies dropping off immigrants in Otero County instead of housing them in federal facilities,” the resolution states. “(The commission) declares its opposition to the use of funds, staff, facilities and other resources of Otero County to sustain immigrants as this should be done by the United States Customs and Border Patrol and other federal agencies.”
  • “Otero County has a limited tax base, struggles to meet the needs of its current residents, lacks facilities to house immigrants and cannot meet the needs of an influx of immigrants,” the resolution states.


As if it's not enough for the Albuquerque metro area to average one shooting per day, including the recent murders of U.S. Postal Service mail carrier Jose Hernandez and UNM student athlete Jackson Weller, now we have state judges threatening public safety by releasing dangerous criminals on furlough.

From KOB Eyewitness News:
  • Benny Valenzuela was awaiting sentencing this month for pleading no contest to multiple counts of sexual contact with a child under 13-years-old. He has a violent history – his record shows charges of kidnapping, battery and murder.
  • Last week, Judge Cindy Mercer allowed him to be furloughed. He had from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to come to Albuquerque to see his newborn granddaughter and return to Valencia County, but he never did. 
  • County prosecutors opposed the furlough but ultimately the judge decided to allow it.

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