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Thursday, May 7, 2020

When Will National Parks Reopen?

Above, Spruce Treehouse at Mesa Verde National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Things are slowly (too slowly for many) opening up. That also includes our national parks.

In Colorado, people are wondering when Mesa Verde National Park and Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park will reopen.

The Durango Herald has an article on this.

They begin it with:
With the summer tourism season on the horizon and businesses slowly reopening across Colorado, national and state parks are also working on plans to reopen. 
The National Park Service announced last week it will allow some parks to increase access and services in phases on a cases-by-case basis, as long as parks comply with state and local public health orders. 
“Health and safety is the No. 1 thing,” said Sandra Snell-Dobert, spokeswoman for Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, said in a phone interview. “Can we keep this restroom clean? Can we open these spaces keeping them safe and clean? Those are the kinds of questions we are asking.” 
National parks began to close or limit access in late March across the United States as COVID-19 spread across the United States. As local and state governments enacted travel restrictions, Mesa Verde National Park announced it would close to help limit spread of the virus between visitors and employees. Black Canyon of the Gunnison also closed inner trail routes after concerns were raised about the health of its staff and local residents.
To read more, go here

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