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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Biden + Harris = California Everywhere!

Julie Strauss Levin, in The Tennessee Star, has penned an excellent opinion piece on what we can expect will happen to our country should Biden-Harris win the election.

The country would be turned into California on steroids!

Here's some snippets:

Imagine a country where rolling blackouts are a common occurrence, where gasoline-powered cars are outlawed, and all new car sales must be electric by a date certain.  Imagine a country where borders are open, sanctuary cities and towns are everywhere, where people here illegally are celebrated with lots of free things like healthcare and housing, and wage-earners pay for it all.  Imagine a country where the radical Green New Deal is thrust upon us (out goes natural gas, oil and coal; in comes renewables; goodbye to your warm/cool home) and a nationwide absence of forestry management causes out-of-control fires that threaten homes and air quality.  

Imagine a country that dictates cultural norms, imposes a radical sexual education curriculum starting in kindergarten, where abstinence-only and religious doctrine education are prohibited, and parents may opt out on a limited basis only.  

Imagine a country where police officers are ostracized and defunding police departments is the norm, where there’s chaos on the streets, and the mob is celebrated.  Imagine a country where a family’s home is no longer considered its castle.  Imagine a country where the Second Amendment is in the crosshairs and decimating it is the result.  

A Biden-Harris administration will make California seem tame.  They will turn our exceptional country into California and pile on from there. Medicare for all, packing the Supreme Court, returning to the disastrous Iran deal and resuming payments to the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism,  re-joining the Paris Climate Agreement, and abandoning our strong and close ally Israel are all on their to-do list.  

To read the whole article, go here

Pass it around! Everyone should read it!

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