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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Jeffrey Toobin Caught In Self-Stimulation During Simulation

El Rushbo (Rush Limbaugh) may have had discouraging news about his cancer recently (that he announced yesterday), but he still has his sense of humor intact.

CNN commentator Jeffrey Toobin is in hot water for being caught "spanking the monkey" while on a Zoom video simulation (simulation for what?) with company executives.

Rush had a lot of fun (as one might imagine) with this story. While he was discussing it, Michael Jackson's "Beat It" was playing in the background.

Here's what Rush had to say:

RUSH: (Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” playing) Man, I’ll tell you, folks, I thought I had a hard day yesterday. I thought I had a really hard day yesterday. But it must have been a really hard day at the New Yorker. I know this made headlines. But let’s be honest here. Jeffrey Toobin has been tooting his own horn for a long time now.

Everybody’s worried that Toobin is gonna take the Biden story off the front page. No, Toobin is considered one of these guys. Toobin is a left-wing commentator on CNN. Toobin had an affair with Jeff Greenfield’s daughter and knocked her up and then asked her to go get an abortion.

So yesterday — they’re doing a simulation at the New Yorker, a Zoom simulation, and somehow Jeffrey Toobin, in the middle of a hard day, is caught masturbating on camera on Zoom. He said, I forgot, I didn’t know. He turned the camera down, his laptop lid, turned it down, stood up, and there it was for everybody to see. 

So my question is, what are these liberals doing masturbating in front of each other on a Zoom call at the New Yorker? These people are nuts. They run around talking about whatever we are, what they say we are. Meanwhile, these people are running around doing a voting seminar while masturbating on a Zoom call?

I know, look. It could be an attempt to take the heat off Biden. Jeffrey Toobin figured if he lifted his own lid making all kinds of news Biden wouldn’t have to lift his lid and answer a single question about Hunter. But they need to send a thank-you note to Jeffrey Toobin. They really do. Toobin, a master debater from way back, took attention away from the Biden crime family for a news cycle.

To read the full transcript of Rush's remarks, go here

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