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Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Democrats' Scheme To Stack The Supreme Court

If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win and the Democrats retake the U.S. Senate and retain their majority in the House, the spectre of packing (or stacking) the U.S. Supreme Court with additional justices, all radical liberals, could become a reality. If that should happen, you can kiss your constitutional rights, such as the Second Amendment, goodbye. That will almost guarantee a new civil war.

Biden and Harris have so far dodged questions on court-packing and ending the senate's filibuster rule.

"They'll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over," Biden said in Arizona. Harris, during the primary campaign, came out in favor of court-packing.

Mike Davis, founder of The Article III Project and President and founder of Internet Accountability Project, wrote in Newsweek.com:

Enter court-packing. The call to add seats to the Supreme Court is so extreme that even President Franklin D. Roosevelt was unable to achieve it at a time when Congress rubber-stamped the rest of his agenda. In 1937, FDR proposed adding six justices to the nation's highest bench (one for every justice over the age of 70), to flip the Court to one that would allow his unconstitutional New Deal policies to stand. Congress—overwhelmingly controlled by FDR's own party—rejected the idea, and the number nine has remained secure...until now.

How is such a radical idea even possible? The Constitution does not specify how many justices sit on the Supreme Court. We have not always had nine Supreme Court justices. At first, we had six justices, all appointed by President George Washington. Over the next 80 years, the number fluctuated, but it has remained at nine since 1869—more than 150 years ago, right after the Civil War.

If Democrats, who already control the House of Representatives, maintain that majority and also retake the Senate and the White House, Americans should expect them to attempt this extreme court-packing scheme. Congress, led by a Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and a Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), would determine the number of justices. A President Biden would certainly sign any such legislation passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress. This is not hysteria: Biden and Harris include "structural court reforms" in their 2020 Democratic Party platform.

Currently, the Senate—created by our Founders as the "cooling saucer" for the hot tea sent over by the House—operates with a procedure known as a filibuster. In short, a filibuster requires approval from 60 of the 100 senators as a procedural hurdle to clear in order to pass most legislation. Any court-packing proposal is subject to the filibuster rule. Assuming that Senate Republicans employ the filibuster during a Biden-Harris administration, Democrats could respond by "going nuclear"—eliminating the legislative filibuster and lowering the vote threshold from 60 to 51.

The Senate has operated with the legislative filibuster since the 1830s. With it eliminated, the Senate could pass a court-packing scheme by a simple majority vote. The liberal-controlled House of Representatives, which already operates by a simple majority, also would pass it—and a President Biden (or a President Harris, if he doesn't make it that long) would sign it. The number of justices would then change from nine to 11 or more—new seats the president would quickly fill with left-wing politicians in black robes.

Court-packing will lead America to a very dangerous dead end, as these liberal justices will take away our constitutional rights to speak, associate, worship and protect our families. And that's the Democrats' plan, even if Biden and Harris won't publicly admit it. The year 2020 has proven that Democrats have no qualms about destroying America as we know it.

That is why it is vital to re-elect President Trump and vote for Republican legislative candidates.

To read more, go here.

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